- The object of the club is to promote the game of Crown Green Bowls and encourage participation by members of the public, without the distinction of sex, race, political or religious beliefs or other opinions and including those with disabilities and mental health problems.
- Membership of the club is open to any member of the public.
- The club is affiliated to the Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association. The club and its members are at all times required to observe the rules, bye laws and codes of conduct laid down by the British Crown Green Bowling Association.
- The Officers of the club are elected annually (President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer).
- Two General Meetings are held each year
- The club has Public Liability Insurance with cover which complies with the recommendation of the British Crown Green Bowling Association
- The club operates a Child Protection policy compliant with the recommendations and requirements of the British Crown Green Bowling Association.
- As a team member you are expected to be present throughout the entire game and not just when you are playing your own game. When you are not playing you are expected to support the players on the green including marking score cards if required,
- Arrive in good time especially if you are playing on your home green as you are allowed to practice before play commences. If you arrive late you will be disqualified and the game awarded to your opponent.
- Smoking and Mobile Phones are not allowed on the green.
- Introduce yourself and shake hands with your opponent(s) before play commences.
- Bowls should not be dropped on the Green.
- Do not spit on the green or on your bowls in order to grip them more firmly.
- During the game do not talk or move around when your opponent is about to deliver his bowl. Stand well back, keep quiet and do not do anything that would distract your opponent. Wait until the bowl has been delivered before moving.
- Bowls should not be kicked in until the result of the end has been agreed by both players.
- Bowling is a friendly game and all players should show courtesy and good sportsmanship.
All Bowlers should know the Rules as laid down by the British Crown Green Bowling Association - After the Game you should once again shake hands with your opponent(s) and congratulate/commiserate with them appropriately.
- It is customary to offer to buy your opponent a drink after the game if you are the home green bowler. If you are playing on a neutral green, for example in a cup game, it is customary for the winner of the game to buy his opponent a drink.
- Place litter and cigarette ends in the bins and ashtrays provided for this purpose and not in the ditches around the edge of the green.
- After the evening games some teams choose to round off the night with a small beverage in one of the local hostelries where the game is invariably replayed, analysed and discussed in depth! There is of course no compulsion to attend!
Knowledge of the above will make you a more respected bowler, keep things friendly and contribute towards the enjoyment of the game for everyone involved, both on and off the green.