It seems such a short time since I reported on the preparations for the 2019 season. Now the summer has gone, the daylight hours are shorter and our evening league fixtures complete by the end of August. Our afternoon fixtures continued into September leading up to the closing of the green at the end of September.
As usual our season has seen its ups and downs. There were two real highlights. The first was when our Tuesday night pairs team playing in the Airedale Wharfedale league won the first division team cup competition beating Greenbottom from Guiseley in the final. Then, to cap it all, they did the double and were crowned division one champions in a closely fought contest ahead of Idle and Burley-in-Wharfedale. The second highlight was when our Skipton league team, which plays on Thursday nights, won the second division title ahead of Colne Legion, thereby gaining promotion to the top flight next season. This means we require two extra players for the team next season as division one teams are ten players, whilst division two and lower are only eight players.
The green was in generally good shape throughout the season running very smoothly, but still with a few patches requiring attention as a result of last year’s drought conditions. Our member volunteers have cut the green throughout the season and it is fair to say it has been in much better shape than when the council were doing the job. We have set up an arrangement with a greenkeeper who provides advice and will carry out work as part of our winter maintenance programme. Following the Council’s stated intention to stop looking after bowling greens in 2020 the club is now independent. Inevitably our costs have increased as a result, but we were given no choice in the matter if we wanted to continue with bowling at Oxenhope.
As mentioned in the Spring edition, as part of our fundraising, we have promoted a Mystery Walking Tour around Oxenhope with some very positive feedback. It is well worth trying and good value at £3 for the eight page booklet.
We were pleased to welcome a number of new members to the club this year all of whom have made good progress and have been playing regularly in our starter leagues on Tuesday and Friday nights. Most have also attended our regular Monday morning sessions for a general get together and some social bowling set amidst the very pleasant garden areas created by our President, Peter Hudman. We are looking forward to them progressing further next season and moving up to other leagues as their game continues to improve. Recently we arranged for a bowls coach to attend and provide help and advice to our newer bowlers. This was well received and we hope to organise a repeat session at the start of next season.
We are hoping to recruit more new members and recently held a Fun Day when a number of non-bowlers joined us for a not too serious afternoon of trying out bowls for the first time. They were each paired with one of our members to help them get started and compete for the Bay Horse Doubles Trophy. Perhaps the experience will give one or more of them the incentive to consider taking up bowls which is a good competitive sport for all age groups and ideal when it comes time to hang up your boots or you struggle to run the extra mile.
Our AGM will be held in the Bay Horse on Monday 4 November 2019
Looking towards winter, bowling does not stop. We have teams in the indoor league at Victoria Hall and in three outdoor leagues at Saltaire, Halifax and Hove Edge. It is a bit different to summer bowling and not something in which all of our members participate. Many prefer to put their bowls in the attic until the better weather returns in Spring. It is, however, surprising how mild some of the winter days can be and so the more hardy choose to continue.
Anyone interested in playing bowls or needing further information please call Mary Hemsley on 07544 454829 or Lorraine Douglas on 07703 126205 or Peter Hudman on 07946 780670 or email Mary is one of our experienced team captains, Lorraine is the Club Safeguarding Officer and Peter is the Club President. The club web site can be found at
The club operates a Safeguarding policy approved by the British Crown Green Bowling Association